
Mining: Pool Coin

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Pool Coin Algorithm Miners Pool Hashrate Fee Network Hashrate Network Difficulty
Ethereum (ETH) Ethhash 4 37.75 GH/s 0.1% 827.52 TH/s 10.9 P Mine
37.44 GH/sPool Hashrate
4Miners Online
13651244Block Height
847.46 TH/sNetwork Hashrate
10.96 PNetwork Difficulty
56.89Total Paid
Minimum Payout 0.025 ETH
Block Reward 2ETH + Tx Fee + MEV
Pool Fee 0.1 %

Mining Servers

Difficulty Variable / 0.01 - ∞
ZCash (ZEC) Equihash 1 1.63 MSol/s 0.1% 6.39 GSol/s 56.75 M Mine
37.44 GH/sPool Hashrate
4Miners Online
13651244Block Height
847.46 TH/sNetwork Hashrate
10.96 PNetwork Difficulty
56.89Total Paid
Minimum Payout 0.025 ETH
Block Reward 2ETH + Tx Fee + MEV
Pool Fee 0.1 %

Mining Servers

Difficulty Variable / 0.01 - ∞
Zencash (ZEN) Equihash 2 656.32 KSol/s 0.1% 2.63 GSol/s 44.7 M Mine
37.44 GH/sPool Hashrate
4Miners Online
13651244Block Height
847.46 TH/sNetwork Hashrate
10.96 PNetwork Difficulty
56.89Total Paid
Minimum Payout 0.025 ETH
Block Reward 2ETH + Tx Fee + MEV
Pool Fee 0.1 %

Mining Servers

Difficulty Variable / 0.01 - ∞

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