Getting to space with big rockets is:
Less than 200 rockets will launch this year.
Getting to space with Pipeline2Space will be:
Dramatically lower cost
More often
Lower risk
Pipeline2Space plans to launch more than 250 times a day.
Our vision is to build a hypersonic pipeline to space that promotes low-cost access to space for unlimited exploration and growth by generations today and in the future.
Our mission is daily, low-cost launch and delivery of satellites and cargo to space – including small and mid-sized satellites, new and repair parts, water, food, tools, equipment, building materials, and more…to enable growth and exploration.
Pipeline2Space will carry payloads of satellites and cargo to space faster, cleaner, at significantly lower cost, and at reduced risk than traditional rockets using a proprietary hypersonic technology developed in partnership with Hypesciences
HyperSciences builds the big first stage underground launcher called the Ram Accelerator and Pipeline2Space builds the small upper stages that boost cargo into space continuously in our atmospheric transit vehicles. Together the companies are revolutionizing access to space.
Simple, reusable launch tubes - “engines” on ground
Highest potential annual
mass to orbit
Small footprint allows land and ocean-based launch
2X better payload /
rocket mass fraction
Multiple launches per day
Lowest-cost solution
(< $5000 / kg)