“Workreap” Documentation by “Amentotech”


Created: 07/05/2019
By: Amentotech
Email: help.amentotech@gmail.com
Support: Create Ticket

Thank you for purchasing our theme. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thanks so much!

Table of Contents

  1. Download
  2. General Settings
  3. Header Settings
  4. Title Bar Settings
  5. Footer Settings
  6. Blog Settings
  7. Typography Settings
  8. Styling
  9. Social Sharings
  10. Directory Settings
  11. Payment Settings
  12. Email Settings
  13. Coming Soon
  14. Page Options
  15. Post Options
  16. Change Log
  17. Other Settings
  18. Articles

Download - top

Upon downloading the zip package file from Themeforest, you'll have all files you need inside. Zip package contains the following files and

To install this theme you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For more information regarding installing the WordPress, please visit below mentioned URL

Installing Wordpress

When you are ready to install a theme, you must first upload the theme files and then activate the theme. For this purpose, unzip the file that you downloaded from themeforest and there you would find the (workreap.zip) file and upload it via WordPress installer. The theme files can be uploaded in two ways

Installation - top

WordPress Upload

After Installation and activation of workreap theme you will be redirected to the plugin install page.

Plugin Installation

You don’t need to download those plugins yourself.

Click on Begin installing plugins and Simply select all plugins and install them.
Then activate the plugins with help of Bulk action:  

Things you need to check to make demo installer work: Go to unyson, take a look to compatible extensions, you will see "Backup & Demo Content, Page Builder, Mega Menu, SEO, Analytics, Sidebars and Breadcrumbs" extensions.
Click on yes install the compatible extensions. 

Import Demo Contents

Before importing demo content, please make sure your server meet minimum server requirements to work smoothly with workreap theme.

At this point theme, plugins and required extensions should be installed. To import demo content just follow below mentioned process.

Step 1:  Now Go to Admin » Tools » Demo Content Install and you'll see something like shown below. 

Just click on install button and wait for demo content importing process.

Step 2:  Now Go to Workreap » Import Users section and click the Import Dummy button .Now,wait for demo users import process.


You’ve setup your theme and ready to go

Import Users in Bulk

Importing for bulk users (freelances,employers) need to creat a csv file with the following formates :

General Settings - Top

General Settings of the theme includes

Header Settings

Header settings have the following options.

Title bar Settings - Top

Styling - Top

Footer setting have the following options

Typography Settings - Top

Social Sharings - Top

Coming Soon - Top

If your site is under construction or something had happened this option will help you preventing your site going live.

Remember this option will only work if the user is not logged in

APIs - Top

Google - Top

Directory setting - Top

In this panel admin can controll all the dashbaord settings. Admin can manage dashbaord settings, search pages, registration settings, review and proposal settings.
There are also appliaction access for jobs,services or both.

For more details please read below articles.

Payment setting - Top

In payment settings have the following options

Email setting - Top

In email settings having option to update email basic options and also change the templates of emails for example general, admin, employer and freelancer templates.
For more details please read below articles.

Page Options - Top

Page options of the theme includes

Post Options - top

You can set options and title bar setting for your post detail page.  

Other Settings - top

How to set search, dashboard and proposal pages?

Set up search freelancer page

Set up freelancer page needs the following steps

Set up search employer page

Set up employer page needs the following steps

Set up search project page

Set up project page need the following steps

Set up search service page

Set up service page need the following steps

Set up Dashboard page

Set up Dashboard page needs the following steps

Set up Submit Proposal page

Set up proposal page needs the following steps

How to add rating/reviews options for jobs and services?

Navigate to Appearance > Themes Settings > Directory Settings > Reviews Settings and add the new option.

How to add Help and Support Queries in employers dasboard?

Navigate to Appearance > Themes Settings > Directory Settings > Help and Support Settings and add the new FAQ's.

How to setup hiring process?

Hire freelancer process have the following steps

How to setup a trial packages?

For setup a trial packages follow the below steps

How to setup packages?

For setup packages follow the below steps

How payouts/vault is working?

Note : After change of cron job interval we need to deactivate and then active the Workreap Cron Plugin (for save intervals in wp cron job)

Payout freelance need to check the payment method and email address.
freelance also list there payouts in dashoard.

More guide - top

Check all the articles and video guide here

Since version 1.0 - top