Custom hair pieces by Sid

Customize your your wig according to your needs

Lace system

single knots are less detectable giving a more natural look but they reduce the durability of the system. Double knot systems last about 6 months while single knot systems last about 3-4 months

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Membrane skin

single knots are less detectable giving a more natural look but they reduce the durability of the system. Double knot systems last about 6 months while single knot systems last about 3-4 months

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Phantom Skin

single knots are less detectable giving a more natural look but they reduce the durability of the system. Double knot systems last about 6 months while single knot systems last about 3-4 months

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single knots are less detectable giving a more natural look but they reduce the durability of the system. Double knot systems last about 6 months while single knot systems last about 3-4 months

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Maintenace Kit $ 50

single knots are less detectable giving a more natural look but they reduce the durability of the system. Double knot systems last about 6 months while single knot systems last about 3-4 months

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