What to Expect from ThePokerProneur...
Free Content, Actionable Advice & Tools.
Playing Poker for a living is NOT easy and it takes a lot of SMART WORK and discipline.
I'll do my best to guide you and give you the actionable instruction and resources you need, but I can't force you to take action; that's up to you. I believe that anyone who works smart and has discipline can succeed at poker. The fact of the matter is most people are lazy and complacent. Some people work too hard at the wrong things and develop poor habits and routines which leads to unprofitable play.
Becoming a consistent winning player does not happen over night.
Poker is not a get-rich quick scheme. I have always tried to make conscious efforts to improve in anything and everything I do. The first thing I do when trying to improve is educate myself on the things I am doing currently that are hindering my growth process. Most people make excuses or try to learn on their own. I will be the first to tell you I have been lazy and unmotivated at times in aspects of my life including my poker career. This is one of the reasons I started this site.To become a winning player or to increase your win rate you must understand and eliminate poor habits/routines. Most people know some of their mistakes but give little to no effort to changing them. Others work hard to change them but fail because they don't work smart and give up too soon out of fear. Consistency is key.
Going Pro is NOT Impossible.
Professional Poker was a dream for me in 2007. That's when I decided to postpone school. I literally and figuratively bet on myself by trying to make my dream become a reality. My dream has come true thus far. I have many other dreams I am chasing and I am able to do so because of Poker. I get to stay at home, travel, work when I want, and make my own decisions and schedule. It's an amazing lifestyle. I believe you too can also make this your reality.
How did you get your start in Poker?
Subscribe and tell us your story. Here is My Story.
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